It's only been a few days since I've returned to Canada, to both Toronto and London, Ontario; but the differences in lifestyles lived in Nepal and Canada are stark and quite noticeable. I don't have access to the camera at this moment, so will be unable to post some of the pictures that I took on the last day of my Nepal trip (hence -> I WILL have at least 1 more post, in which hopefully I will also wrap up some more information and links on the organizations that helped me out; if you [the reader] are interested in doing something like what I did or in helping out the Siddhartha Foundation directly).
My life in Canada is more emotionally and mentally hectic. Meals to plan, courses to choose, friends to see, dishes to wash, money to manage. The contrasts are very stark compared to the simple and organized lifestyle that I lived in the monastery at Siddhartha Foundation. There are however quite a few advantages to my life in the West. There is definitely more freedom, more choice and more potential for growth, affluence and comfort.
I just hope that in the coming weeks and months, that I'll be able to incorporate some of the simple life principles that I've absorbed via my time at the monastery. I can't ever go back and just renounce my life and 'become a monk', but I could simplify certain aspects of my life in a more orderly fashion, bringing more peace and awareness in what sometimes is a hectic schedule of planning and doing.
How does that LOOK in daily life? BEATS me, but I do know that holding this intention and distinction will hopefully play a role in providing an answer. That's about it for now and indeed the end of a chapter or journey of my life, a great one indeed and thanks for reading this with me!
I have my own personal blog that I started a year or two ago: Julius Ko but I haven't posted for basically over a year (when I started law school). This blogging experience has been quite rewarding for me on a personal level, YET it does take time. I'm NOT one of those individuals who just loves to blog every single day! But perhaps, I could blog occasionally, perhaps a few times a month; to keep the trend. Tell me what you think and perhaps check out my blog occasionally, I think I have it set up with my facebook account as well.
Till then, I have enjoyed this internet journey of blogging about Nepal 2011 - Volunteering Abroad.
- Julius
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